Pediatric Cavities Dentist Grand Rapids MI

How to Prevent Pediatric Cavities Around the Holidays

Pediatric Cavities Dentist Grand Rapids MI

The holidays are right around the corner! To help you get ready, our pediatric dentist in Grand Rapids, MI, is offering tips to help prevent pediatric cavities. Whether you’re traveling to visit with relatives or celebrating at home, our expert tips will help your child maintain a healthy smile during the holidays and well into the new year.

Here’s what you need to know.

Stock the Pantry with Healthy Snacks

Your kids will be home from school for both Thanksgiving and winter break. As such, you’ll probably stock up the pantry with plenty of snacks. As a pediatric dentist, Dr. Kim recommends healthy foods such as yogurt, nuts, whole-grain crackers, and applesauce. These snacks will help fuel your children without increasing their risk of tooth decay.

Remember to Stay Hydrated

Water is essential for your child’s health and wellbeing. However, did you also know that drinking water plays a role in preventing pediatric cavities? After eating, it’s always a good idea to wash down food with a glass of water. This helps to rinse away sugary food particles and prevent plaque buildup. Most public drinking water supplies also contain fluoride, which helps to strengthen your child’s enamel so it’s more resistant to acid attacks from plaque.

A lot of beverage companies market their products to be healthy despite their high sugar content. For example, many sports drinks and fruit juices contain high concentrations of sugar.

Maintain Your Child’s Oral Hygiene Routine

The holidays are an exciting time, which can make it easy for your child to forget to brush and floss their teeth. If your child is struggling to stick to a routine, we recommend creating a holiday-themed habit tracker. For each day that your child completes their morning and evening oral hygiene routines, you can add stickers to the tracker to mark their achievement.

Avoid Candy Stocking Stuffers

Avoid the temptation to fill your child’s stocking with candy canes, gum drops, and other sugary treats. While your child may enjoy sugar, so do the bacteria that live inside their mouth. As this bacteria consumes sugar, it produces an acid that attacks the teeth and gums. If left untreated, a buildup of this bad bacteria can lead to pediatric cavities and other oral health issues.

The good news is that there are plenty of alternative stocking stuffers you can use instead of candy, such as small toys and craft supplies.

Schedule Routine Teeth Cleanings

In general, our pediatric dentist in Grand Rapids, MI, recommends that your child receive a teeth cleaning at least every six months. This gives him the opportunity to detect cavities and other issues during their early stages when they’re most treatable. During a pediatric teeth cleaning, we’re also able to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your child’s smile.

Related:Why Pediatric Teeth Cleanings are Important →

Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Kim

Dr. Wanki William Kim is an experienced pediatric dentist in Grand Rapids, MI. To schedule an appointment for your child, please call the Pediatric Dentistry of Michigan at (616) 447-7900. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.